Available to Order - Shop


The vast majority of my work is one-offs or limited quantities and sales for them work on a 'first come, first served' basis. Very occasionally I am happy and able to remake certain beads or jewellery and this page contains those items. However, this doesn't mean that these items will always be here; I am still limited by glass production runs and my creativity, meaning that I may run out of a particular colour or I might simply get bored with making something over and over again and in these cases I will remove those items from this page.

Basically, this is me saying "Yes, I can make you one of those or a set of those but I can't guarantee you'll be able to come back in six months' time and find you can reorder the same item."

I know, I'm awkward.

This page is not for commissions because I don't do those. I'm not offering this bead in that colour but with that finish, or a portrait of your pet gerbil in glass bead form; I am simply offering you the chance to buy certain beads you might have missed out on when I first had them for sale.

Items on this page will change. I'll add things and I'll remove others, so please bookmark the page and check it from time to time.

My website software is set to display the number of items in stock, so if a listing on this page says there are 15 in stock, please ignore it. The items aren't in stock - they don't exist yet.

Once I've received your order I shall get to work on your item/s as soon as I can.

Current lead time for orders is 7 working days.

Please note that I don't offer any discount, wholesale or otherwise.

Thanks for reading all of that. Now I've got all of the relevant information out of the way, please scroll down to see which beads or jewellery are currently available to order.

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